(3) Red Promo Bouquet Carrier


This beautifully handcrafted bouquet features three stunning red roses, symbolizing love and admiration. Complemented by lovely white Alstroemeria, it creates a striking contrast that enhances the bouquet’s charm. The addition of Gemini blooms, along with Pistache, Cordyline foliage, and Palm leaves, adds depth and elegance to the arrangement.

Perfect for romantic gestures, special occasions, or simply brightening someone’s day, this exquisite bouquet is carefully wrapped for a luxurious presentation.34.00


IMPORTANT: We Do Not Deliver Sundays/BankHolidays(except mothers day)


Stunning Floral Beauty

This exquisite arrangement features three striking red roses alongside lovely white astromeria. The captivating contrast between the bold red and soft white creates a breathtaking visual appeal, perfect for any occasion.

Accent Foliage

To enhance this floral masterpiece, we incorporate gemini, pistache, cordeline foliage, and palm. These elegant accents provide texture and depth, further emphasizing the vibrant colors of the roses and astromeria.

Gift of Elegance

Whether it’s for a special celebration or just because, this floral arrangement serves as a timeless gift. The harmonious blend of red roses and white astromeria, accented by lush greenery, makes it a delightful centerpiece that will brighten anyone’s day.