Luxury Front Facing Hand Tied Bouquet.


Hand Tied Bouquet with pastel colours for that special Day is a special type of flower arrangement made for love and romance. The bouquet is designed to face forward, showcasing the blooms in a striking and eye-catching manner. The pastel colours used in the bouquet are chosen to create a soft, romantic, and elegant look, and can include shades of light pink, lavender, powder blue, and more. This bouquet is typically given as a gift to a loved one on any special occasion and is meant to express love, affection, and appreciation.


IMPORTANT: We Do Not Deliver Sundays/BankHolidays(except mothers day)


Product information

Hand Tied Bouquet is a type of flower arrangement that is made by tying the stems of different blooms together. This bouquet is designed to face forward, allowing the flowers to be viewed from the front. The bouquet features pastel colours, creating a soft and elegant look. Pastel shades can include light pink, lilac, powder blue, mint green, and more. This type of bouquet is often used for special occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, or other formal events.

luxury handled arrangement for valentines day



Florist-delivered flowers are available within the UK only. Our florists may substitute flowers and sundries for a suitable alternative, similar in style, quality and value depending on availability. Seasonal availability of certain individual flowers may vary from those illustrated. Products ordered do not include a vase, flower basket or container unless otherwise stated. Any requested delivery time is not guaranteed.


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