Pink & Cream Roses


Pink & Cream Roses

Pink and Cream Roses, some are sent in bud and will appear less open than in the picture above upon arrival.



IMPORTANT: We Do Not Deliver Sundays/BankHolidays(except mothers day)


Pink and Cream Roses are sent in bud and will appear less open than in the picture above upon arrival. Simply arrange the flowers into a vase of water and flower food and after 24 – 48 hours the roses will bloom. We send our flowers this way to protect them in transit and to ensure they are the freshest they could be when they arrive with your recipient.

  • A beautifully fragrant bouquet of mixed cream, mauve and delicate pink roses.
  • This beautiful bouquet will bloom in their home, making it the perfect gift to brighten their day whatever the occasion.
  • grand bouquet shown unless otherwise stated.


Florist delivered flowers are available within the UK only.Our florists may substitute flowers and sundries for a suitable alternative, similar in style, quality and value depending on availability. Seasonal availability of certain individual flowers may vary from those illustrated. Products ordered do not include a vase, flower basket or container unless otherwise stated. Any requested delivery time is not guaranteed.


Pink & Cream Roses


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